Gran Canaria Airport (airport code LPA) is located on the east coast of Gran Carania Island in the Canary Islands of Spain. The airport is 18 kilometers from the island's capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and easily accessible by taxi, bus or rental car. The airport has over 9 million visitors annually and is currently undergoing an extension of the airport's terminal to increase capacity. Gran Canaria is 3rd largest of the Canary Islands and the most populous. Not only is it the reason millions of tourists visit each year, the island's temperate climate is also why the airport sees fewer closures or other issues due to inclement weather.


Las Palmas, Spain and Canary Islands

Latitude / Longitude:

27.938944 / -15.389351


902 404 704

Airport Codes:


Timezone / Date / Time:

GMT +1:00
Current Date:
Sun Mar 9, 2025
Current Time:
11:35 pm

Other information:

Visa information not available
Transit Visa information not available

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