Doha International Airport (airport code DOH) in Qatar is on an international fast-track with over 15 million passengers in 2010. Qatar is currently building a new airport right next to the existing one, scheduled to open in 2012 with completion in 2015. The existing airport has two terminals, Terminals A (formerly called Departures) and B. Part of Terminal A is the Premium Terminal area, associated with Qatar Airways, providing Five Star hospitality for First and Business Class travelers. Located 4 kilometers from the city center, Doha provides transportation through Karwa Public Service, which provides bus service from the airport and throughout the city. Qatar sits on a peninsula in the Arabian Gulf neighboring Saudi Arabia and a day's drive from United Arab Emirates. Although it sits on giant reserves of natural gas and oil, Qatar continues to build its reputation as a world-class tourist destination with spas, resorts and beaches.


Doha, Qatar

Latitude / Longitude:

25.267569 / 51.558067


+974 4465 6666

Airport Codes:


Timezone / Date / Time:

GMT +3:00
Current Date:
Wed Feb 5, 2025
Current Time:
12:41 pm

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Visa information not available
Transit Visa information not available

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