Queen Alia International Airport (airport code AMM) is located 35 kilometers from downtown Amman, Jordan, the nation's capital. Open in 1983, the airport hosts 5.5 million passengers each year. The airport has two passenger terminals, which are currently being upgraded, and is building a third terminal to open in 2012. Designated Airport Taxis provide transport along with buses and rental cars. A new rail line linking the airport to central Amman is under also construction. Over 35 airlines provide flights to Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. It is also a hub for Royal Jordanian airlines which has flights to Chicago, Detroit, Montreal and New York in North America.


Amman, Jordan

Latitude / Longitude:

31.722534 / 35.98932



Airport Codes:


Timezone / Date / Time:

GMT +3:00
Current Date:
Wed Feb 5, 2025
Current Time:
9:56 am

Other information:

Visa information not available
Transit Visa information not available

Airport Rating

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